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PowerDNS fails to start with "status=218/CAPABILITIES" after update to cPanel & WHM version 94


1 comment

  • Jesse Asklund cPanel Staff

    Update: We would like to thank you for your interest in this article/case and encourage your submissions as they are valuable to the ever-expanding development of cPanel & WHM. At this time, this particular issue has not been selected for action from our Development Team, as it may require more development resources than we can allot, or alters the direction cPanel envisions for the product. Submissions persist in our Issue Tracking System in the event the impact of the related issue grows or product direction changes. If you feel that this defect requires direct action, we strongly encourage you to submit a Feature Request to allow the cPanel Community to vote and support your cause.

    Thank you again for helping us make cPanel & WHM the hosting platform of choice.


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