There is an RPM package named clamav-unofficial-sigs which can be found in the EPEL repository of CentOS.
This package is not provided by, supported by, or managed by cPanel. Although we do want to offer some guidance on this topic as a courtesy. If you have installed this package and no longer want to make use of it, you may remove it with the following steps.
1. Login to your server as the root user via SSH. Otherwise, you may also use the Terminal feature via WHM as the root user.
2. Issue the following command to see if you have the package installed:
yum list installed | grep clamav-unofficial-sigs
If you do not get any output, that means that the package is not installed and no further action is required. If you do see that package is listed after running the command, you can remove it with the next step.
3. Issue the following command via SSH or Terminal as the root user:
yum remove clamav-unofficial-sigs
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