After installing the Ruby, Python, and NodeJS selectors, the CloudLinux LVEManager dashboard is still showing those extensions as uninstalled.
The passenger module for Apache is required for all of those extensions to work properly.
If that module has not been installed properly, those extensions are not technically installed.
To verify that this is your problem, check to see if you have the RPM installed with the following command via SSH or Terminal as the root user:
yum list installed | grep ea-apache24-mod-alt-passenger
If that command does not return any output, it means that you will need to install the passenger module.
1. Login to your server via SSH or Terminal as the root user
2. Issue the following command and verify that the module and its dependencies install without error
yum install ea-apache24-mod-alt-passenger -y
3. Issue the following commands via SSH:
/usr/sbin/cloudlinux-wizard finish
cloudlinux-summary --send --json --async
4. If you see a button in the LVEManager dashboard to refresh the dash, press that button
5. Refresh your browser tab, and clear your cache if needed