In the Password Modification page, if there is an option to 'Synchronize Mysql Password' this would mean that there is currently an existing .my.cnf file for the cpanel user.
This option only appears if the
file exists in the/home/USERNAME
directory whereUSERNAME
represents the account’s username.
This information and more can be found in our documentation: Password Modification
To remove this option from the user, the .my.cnf file would need to be removed from the account. This can be done with a move command from the command line:
mv -v /home/$cpuser/.my.cnf{,.bak}
If you need to do this for multiple users, then you can use a find to search for the file and pipe the output to a move or remove file command.
find /home -path /home/virtfs -prune -o -type f -name ".my.cnf"
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