Frequent notifications are received regarding cpanel-dovecot-solr restarting. A 404 error is cited in the notification:
Cpanel::Exception::HTTP::Server/(XID xq9rhh) The response to the <abbr title="Hypertext Transfer
Protocol">HTTP</abbr> “GET” request from
“http://IjFtk1HeL98AMMDQ:__HIDDEN__@” indicated an error
(404, Not Found)
Checking the Solr service using systemd may show the service as online:
# systemctl status cpanel_dovecot_solr
● cpanel-dovecot-solr.service - Solr for cPanel Dovecot
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cpanel-dovecot-solr.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2021-05-26 21:04:41 UTC; 15min ago
The issue is an inability to connect to the service locally using cPanel service monitoring utilities.
We recommend reinstalling Solr as a first step.
1) Uninstall Solr:
2) After the uninstallation is complete, reinstall Solr: