1. Log in to the Manage2 interface with your username and password.
2. Under Licenses, click Add License.
3. From the Group menu, select the group for the Sitejet license.
4. From the Package menu, select the package for the Sitejet license. You can select Sitejet Business or Sitejet Agency.
5. The Self-Hosted Sites and Hosted Sites text boxes will appear. Enter the number of additional self-hosted and hosted sites for the license.
6. In the External Note text box, enter any notes about the license.
7. Click Add Licenses. A success message containing the activation code and a login link will appear at the top of the Manage2 interface.
The account's associated address will also receive an email with more details about your license.
8. Copy the code for your records and follow the link to activate your Sitejet license.
9. As a partner, you may log in or sign up on the Sitejet panel to activate the license.
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