ELevate fails in stage 3, and errors similar to the following can be seen in elevate-cpanel.log
* 2024-08-30 11:01:16 (7587) [ESC[32mINFOESC[0m] Upgrade has been inhibited due to the following problems:
* 2024-08-30 11:01:16 (7587) [ESC[32mINFOESC[0m] 1. Detected unknown GPG keys for target system repositories
also contains the following.
Risk Factor: high (inhibitor)
Title: Detected unknown GPG keys for target system repositories
Summary: Some of the target repositories require GPG keys that are not installed in the current RPM DB or are not stored in the /etc/leapp/files/vendors.d/rpm-gpg/,/
etc/leapp/repos.d/system_upgrade/common/files/rpm-gpg/8 directories. Leapp is not able to guarantee validity of such gpg keys and manual review is required, so any s
purious keys are not imported in the system during the in-place upgrade. The following additional gpg keys are required to be imported during the upgrade:
Remediation: [hint] Check the path to the listed GPG keys is correct, the keys are valid and import them into the host RPM DB or store them inside on of the , direct
ories prior the upgrade. If you want to proceed the in-place upgrade without checking any RPM signatures, execute leapp with the `--nogpgcheck` option.
The error occurs because the KernelCare GPG key is not being imported. Importing the GPG key will correct the error.
- Access the server's command line as the 'root' user via SSH or "Terminal" in WHM.
- Download the GPG key.
curl -o /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-KernelCare
- Run the following command to import the GPG key.
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-KernelCare
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