With KernelCare installed, you may find that the WHM Security Advisor reports the following warning:
Update the system’s software by running ’yum update’ from the command line and reboot the system.
The warning occurs because KernelCare will prevent the need to reboot only when kernel-related packages are updated. When system packages are updated, a reboot may still be required.
WHM will display the following message when this is needed:
You must reboot the server to apply software updates.
To review which packages require reboots for updates, you may execute the following command via SSH:
needs-restarting -r
A common system package that requires the system to be rebooted is systemd. When running the needs-restarting command, it will have output similar to the following:
# needs-restarting -r
Core libraries or services have been updated:
systemd -> 219-73.el7_8.8
As systemd cannot be reloaded in-place, the system must be rebooted to apply the update.
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