If you wish to know if a particular email is still on the server, can you check the email queue?
Yes. It is a two-step process.
Part 1: Location the "ID" (EXIM unique ID) for the email.
1. Log into WHM as 'root'.
2. Navigate to the following location:
WHM: Home / Email / Mail Delivery Reports
3. Search for email and locate it.
Example email:
4. Observe the 'ID' of the email. It will look similar to this:
5. The ID you will need for the next part.
Part 2: Use exim from the command-line to see if it is still on the server.
1. Log in to the server via SSH as 'root', or use the WHM Terminal Feature.
2. Run the following command using the "ID" from above.
exim -bp | grep -A 1 1k86Yg-0005K3-W8
3. If you get any output, the email is still in the queue awaiting delivery.
4. If you get no output, the email has either "timed out" or is delivered.
That's it.