How do I update the cPanel & WHM software on my server?
Updating cPanel & WHM can be done from inside of the WHM interface, or from the server's command line or terminal. We strongly recommend that you regularly update cPanel & WHM on all of your servers.
Before updating, it is best to check the server's update preferences first. To do this, navigate to WHM's Home »Server Configuration »Update Preferences. From here, select which release tier (LTS, STABLE, RELEASE, CURRENT, EDGE) of cPanel & WHM the server will upgrade to.
After you have selected your desired upgrade tier, you can update using either of these methods.
Using the WHM interface:
To update cPanel & WHM from the WHM interface, Go to WHM's Home »cPanel »Upgrade to Latest Version. The documentation on this function can be found here:
cPanel Documentation | Upgrade to Latest Version
Manually: (Command line or Terminal)
Access the command line as the 'root' user. Then, execute the following command/script:
If you would like to review the documentation on updating, you may find it here.