Some servers on which the cpuspeed RPM package is installed have encountered issues with yum when attempting to update the kernel. Please note that this package is not developed or provided by cPanel but is distributed by the server's operating system.
The cpuspeed RPM package is no longer used by newer kernels, but may still be present on the system. Should this package remain on the server, it can cause conflicts and can result in a crash or panic during yum updates. RedHat has a bug report regarding this issue here:
Red Hat Bugzilla – Bug 1259527
To avoid such issues, we highly recommend the removal of this package. Please consider taking the time to remove the package to avoid any issues that may appear during a yum update.
You can verify whether the cpuspeed package is installed with this command:
rpm -qa | grep cpuspeed
And you can remove the package with this command:
rpm -e --nodeps cpuspeed
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