CloudLinux's PHP Selector offers similar functionalities to cPanel's MultiPHP Manager, but offers more customization to the individual user, as well as legacy versions of PHP not offered by MultiPHP Manager. PHP Selector can be used on individual accounts while others remain using MutliPHP Manager.
- CloudLinux is installed
- CageFS is installed and enabled for users intending to use PHP Selector
- Apache's PHP handler is cgi, suPHP or fcgi
- mod_suexec is installed
CloudLinux has documentation for PHP Selector's requirements available here:
CloudLinux Documentation: General Requirements for PHP Selector
The alt-php packages can be installed with a single command. You should also ensure CloudLinux's primary packages are up to date.
On RHEL 7 Operating Systems run the following:
yum groupinstall alt-php
yum update cagefs lvemanager
On CloudLinux, Almalinux, and Rocky Linux 8 or 9, run the following:
dnf groupinstall alt-php
dnf update cagefs lvemanager
Now that this has been installed, navigate to WHM's "WHM / Software / MultiPHP Manager" and ensure any users you intend to use PHP Selector with have PHP-FPM disabled and are configured to "inherit" the system PHP version.
Once complete, you should now have access to "Select PHP Version" in cPanel.
Additional Resources
For more information on how to configure PHP Selector on your CloudLinux server, known compatibility issues, and other platform-specific information, please see CloudLinux's documentation:
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