The EasyApache4 interface via the WHM allows you as a server administrator, to manage the YUM packages that cPanel provides via the EA4 repository. These packages are often Apache modules, PHP versions & extensions.
The interface is located in the following submenu: "WHM >> Software >> EasyApache 4"
From here you are presented with a list of prebuilt profiles. These profiles are built to include specific packages to provide a specifically tailored experience.
Alternatively, you can simply install the packages you require at your convenience without a profile. To do so, under "Currently Installed Packages" you can click on "Customize" to view the list of all available packages.
You will then be presented with sections such as Apache, Apache Modules, PHP, PHP Extensions, Ruby via Passenger and a section for Additional packages.
From here, you may browse the list depending on the package type you require and you can toggle a package on or off to provide it for an installation or removal.
Once you are ready to make your changes live, simply navigate to the "Review" section and inspect the changes you will be performing.
This screen will show you all the packages you will be modifying.
Once you have confirmed the information is correct, click "Provision" at the bottom of the page.
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