The WP Toolkit plugin generates errors on certain functions such as scanning for installations similar to the following:
Scanning for WordPress websites was performed with errors:
Failed to register instance at '/home/user/public_html/wordpress': Failed to reset cache for the instance #3: API request failed. Command: uapi --user=user Mime list_redirects --output=json Response: {"apiversion":3,"module":"Mime","func":"list_redirects","result":{"status":0,"warnings":null,"metadata":{},"data":null,"errors":["You do not have the feature “redirects”."],"messages":null}}
WP Toolkit requires cPanel accounts have certain features enabled. Currently the list is as follows:
- WP Toolkit
- Subdomains
- MIME Types
- Cronjobs
- Directory Privacy
- Password & Security
- File Manager
- Redirects
Enable the features above for accounts with the Feature Manager that will be using WP Toolkit.
More information is available in our documentation.