There may be a requirement to backup databases more frequently than backups executed via WHM, or you may want to have a specific database backed up.
A script can be created and executed via cron.
The example script would be
DATE=`date +%s`
if [ ! -e $BACKUPDIR ]; then
mkdir -p $BACKUPDIR
chmod 700 $BACKUPDIR
for x in `mysqlshow | grep -v \_schema | awk -F "| " '{print $2}'`; do mysqldump $x | bzip2 -9czq > $BACKUPDIR$x-sql-$DATE.bz2; done
/usr/bin/find $BACKUPDIR ! -mtime -3|/usr/bin/xargs rm -f
chmod 600 $BACKUPDIR/*
This script will create /backup/databases/ if it doesn't exist, then backup all databases into that path, remove databases older than three days, and then change permissions to more restricted permissions on those SQL dumps.
If you wanted to just backup a single database, then simply modify the script to that database, for example, to backup the mysql MySQL database.
DATE=`date +%s`
if [ ! -e $BACKUPDIR ]; then
mkdir -p $BACKUPDIR
chmod 700 $BACKUPDIR
mysqldump $DBNAME | bzip2 -9czq > $BACKUPDIR$DBNAME-sql-$DATE.bz2
/usr/bin/find $BACKUPDIR ! -mtime -3|/usr/bin/xargs rm -f
chmod 600 $BACKUPDIR/*
Whichever one is needed would be placed into a file like /root/scripts/, and then permissions are set to execute it.
chmod 750 /root/scripts/
And then, this can be added to roots crontab, so it is executed at the interval desired.
This is done as root running
crontab -e
And then adding this example
0 */8 * * * /root/scripts/ >/dev/null 2>&1
This will run every 8 hours and not send any output to cron.
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