If you want to increase the frequency scripts are checked for length of time run the following script can be used and is documented at:
Ssh into your server as root or access WHM and user Terminal to get a root shell.
run the following to open root's crontab
crontab -e
Then paste the following line to run the is_script_stuck script every hour at the 15th minute with the timeout set to 12 hours. The script that will be checked is autossl_check.
15 */1 * * * /usr/local/cpanel/bin/is_script_stuck --script=autossl_check --time=12h --kill --notify=root > /dev/null 2>&1
Then exit out of the text editor mode used to modify the crontab.
There is no need to restart crond if the crontab command was used to add the cron job.
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