Can we utilize the CloudLinux Subsystem for Ubuntu on cPanel servers? Can we install CloudLinux on Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04?
CloudLinux OS is an operating system based on AlmaLinux, previously CentOS. New AlmaLinux or Rocky Linux systems can be converted to CloudLinux, or a new system can be provisioned with CloudLinux directly.
cPanel fully supports using CloudLinux OS Shared as a base for a cPanel system, whether converted from AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, or CentOS; or installed fresh.
CloudLinux has an experimental preview of their Ubuntu subsystem for Ubuntu 20.04, not currently intended for use in production:
CloudLinux Subsystem for Ubuntu Beta | CloudLinux Docs
Note: This is a beta version. CloudLinux does not recommend using the Ubuntu subsystem on production servers.
You can contact CloudLinux here for support regarding this feature: