This article provides the steps needed to upgrade CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8 or from CloudLinux 7 to CloudLinux 8 using cPanel ELevate.
Note: Before proceeding with the upgrade, it is recommended to review the following list of blockers to ensure the upgrade process will not interfere with any software that you require:
Upgrading the OS can cause data loss or catastrophic system failures. Backups should be made and stored off-server before attempting an upgrade.
- Backup your accounts.
- Access the server's command line as the 'root' user via SSH or "Terminal" in WHM.
- Run yum to update out-of-date packages.
yum update
- Run upcp to update cPanel.
- Reboot the server.
shutdown -r now
- Wait for the reboot to finish.
- Access the server's command line as the 'root' user via SSH or "Terminal" in WHM.
- Download the cPanel ELevate script.
wget -O /scripts/elevate-cpanel; chmod 700 /scripts/elevate-cpanel
- Run the following command to check for upgrade blockers:
/scripts/elevate-cpanel --check
- Resolve each listed issue.
- Check for upgrade blockers again:
/scripts/elevate-cpanel --check
If there are no more blockers, you should see the following messages at the end of the output.There is no known blockers to start the elevation process.
You can consider running:
/scripts/elevate-cpanel --start - Run the following command to begin the upgrade process:
/scripts/elevate-cpanel --start
The elevation process can potentially take 90 minutes to complete and requires multiple reboots. Some reboots can be longer than usual. Do not interrupt the upgrade process.
Please note that you can check the current status of the update by running the following command.
/scripts/elevate-cpanel --status
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