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Notice of license cancellation



  • rpvw
    You probably need to talk to cPanel licensing about this. Either they got it wrong (maybe the geoIP information is incorrect), or you or your server is located in a country that is currently sanctioned by the United States government, ................. or some very stable genius has decided that anything outside of Mar-a-Lago is to be considered subject to trade and security sanctions.
  • Vs Nu
    Im using the same IP and HOstname from past 2 years.I have server with OVH and i purchased license with them directly So what is the issue and why cP is giving me notice just now Please advise
  • rpvw
    There is not much point in asking us - talk to cPanel licensing by emailing them at Support & Customer Service | cPanel, Inc. - they are the only ones that can give you an answer.
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello, I recommend responding directly to the support ticket to request more information about why that email was sent to you. Thank you.

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