Notice of license cancellation
I have open a ticket to cPanel tech support but after they started investigation i got the below mail but i can't understand this..Can someone explain about this and how to fix this ?
Is there any abuse going on in my server ?
cPanel is unable to provide the requested technical support under this ticket, because its Export Control System has determined that your account is in violation of U.S. export-control regulations that forbid trade and impose economic sanctions and embargoes against certain targeted geographic regions, countries, and governments including Iran, Cuba, Sudan, and Syria.
Specifically, the following server(s) is/are in violation of the above-referenced regulations:
In addition to U.S. Federal law, the end-user license agreement (and reseller agreement, if applicable) require compliance with all relevant U.S. export regulations. Please take appropriate action to remedy this occurrence, or cPanel may be forced to cancel all licenses found to be in violation. Repeated violations may result in account termination.
Please note that once the violation(s) has/have been remedied, you will need to open a new support ticket in order to obtain technical support.
Additional information about U.S. export regulations may be found here:
You probably need to talk to cPanel licensing about this. Either they got it wrong (maybe the geoIP information is incorrect), or you or your server is located in a country that is currently sanctioned by the United States government, ................. or some very stable genius has decided that anything outside of Mar-a-Lago is to be considered subject to trade and security sanctions. 0 -
Im using the same IP and HOstname from past 2 years.I have server with OVH and i purchased license with them directly So what is the issue and why cP is giving me notice just now Please advise 0 -
There is not much point in asking us - talk to cPanel licensing by emailing them at Support & Customer Service | cPanel, Inc. - they are the only ones that can give you an answer. 0 -
Hello, I recommend responding directly to the support ticket to request more information about why that email was sent to you. Thank you. 0
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