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How can i restart my cron jobs?



  • Chirag Aggarwal
    Are you sure it's not your cmd/script syntax error? Cron doesn't require restart after changes but still to restart service crond restart
  • oosmehdi
    hi tanks for reply i have many php file who cron jobs run all that. Ichange all of php file and then change all cronjobs name Now I resive post in telegram from earlier php file and mysql does not work and I cant restart that from whm
  • oosmehdi
    my error in phpmy admin is Warning in ./libraries/plugins/auth/AuthenticationCpanel.php#629 mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2002): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) Backtrace ./libraries/plugins/auth/AuthenticationCpanel.php#629: mysqli_connect( string ********, string ********, string ********, string ********, string ********, ) ./libraries/plugins/auth/AuthenticationCpanel.php#389: PMA\libraries\plugins\auth\AuthenticationCpanel::cp_mysql_auth_check( string '*********', string '********', ) ./libraries/ PMA\libraries\plugins\auth\AuthenticationCpanel->authCheck() ./index.php#20: require_once(./libraries/
    and I dont know what shoud I do
  • Chirag Aggarwal
    This is mysql related issue not cronjob
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello, Could you provide more information about which cron jobs are not working, and the specific actions you took prior to them breaking? Note for phpMyAdmin, please open a separate thread since it's unrelated to the original topic. Thank you.

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