WHM root login invalid, SSH root login works
Good Day,
Just in case someone runs across this old issue and still can't log into WHM. Try the following.
- You must have ssh access with sudo rights
- Check login_log and see if whostmgrd (cpHulk) has locked you out. The output will look something like the below:
If the above applies to you, try the following: 1. SSH to your server and sudo to root 2. Run the command:
The command above will whitelist your IP address. Link to cPanel reference document: cPHulk Management on the Command Line - cPanel Knowledge Base - cPanel Documentation 3. Enable Password Reset
3. Change your password
4. Profit Hope this helps someone.
[root@cpanel log]# tail -f /usr/local/cpanel/logs/login_log
[2018-02-11 16:16:13 +0000] info [whostmgrd] - root "POST /login/?login_only=1 HTTP/1.1" DEFERRED LOGIN whostmgrd: brute force attempt (user root) has locked out IP (3)
[2018-02-11 16:17:15 +0000] info [cpaneld] - causer "POST /login/?login_only=1 HTTP/1.1" DEFERRED LOGIN cpaneld: brute force attempt (user causer) has locked out IP
If the above applies to you, try the following: 1. SSH to your server and sudo to root 2. Run the command:
The command above will whitelist your IP address. Link to cPanel reference document: cPHulk Management on the Command Line - cPanel Knowledge Base - cPanel Documentation 3. Enable Password Reset
3. Change your password
/scripts/chpass root "New_Password"
4. Profit Hope this helps someone.
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