API - DNS - Add / modify multiple records
Hi, I'm looking for a means of adding and/or modifying multiple DNS records for a single domain in one go, via a WHM API. Domains in the DNS have no relation to a WHM user.
When using multiple "editzonerecord" API calls, the SOA serial is +1'ed at every request and I have to juggle with line numbers when changing and removing multiple records in one go...
How can I achieve a DNS zone modification in a transaction of some sort?
Hello, We document how to use this WHM API 1 function at: WHM API 1 Functions - editzonerecord - Developer Documentation - cPanel Documentation Using the dumpzone function and line numbers is the most effective way to use this API function, as noted: [QUOTE] This function edits a DNS zone record. To effectively use this function, use the following workflow: 0 -
Hi there, I googled "add dns record whm api" and got to this post. May I assume it's not possible to add single record to an existing zone? E.g. if I want to add just an A record IN to zone "xyz.com" I need to first retrieve the entire zone? So no individual calls using an API to add / remove records? 0
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