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EA 4 Customization Problem- multilib error - mod_cloudflare



  • AM2015
    Problem has been resolved so thread can be closed.
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello @AM2015, I'm glad to see you were able to solve the issue. Do you mind sharing the solution? Thank you.
  • AM2015
    Unfortunately, I did several things and I am not sure what was the piece that worked. And along the way I managed to break apache on my server so whatever I did wasn't the right way to go about things. But here is what I ended up doing in the end, and what I might suggest for anyone seeing a similar "multilib" error that prevents use of EasyApache4 1. Via shell, find and remove all instances of the file cloudflare.conf 2. In WHM, EasyApache4 run "customize" and uninstall mod_cloudflare. (This took a long time to complete for me). 3. Then repeat the "customise" to install mod_cloudflare. I think the problem was that I had two separate instances of cloudflare.conf in different directories, so the system was loading conflicting packages. This might have been a holdover from the conversion from EasyApache3 to EasyApache4, because directory structure would have changed at that point. In my case on a Centos 6 server, that meant having both a "conf.d" and a "conf.modules.d" directory. After I did the 3 steps above, I have only a single instance of cloudflare.conf.
  • cPanelMichael
    Hi @AM2015, Thank you for taking the time to let us know which actions you performed. Judging by the initial error message, the issue related to the installation of the 32-bit CloudFlare RPM on a 64-bit OS. Uninstalling the 32-bit RPM and reinstalling the 64-bit RPM likely solved the issue, but note you can find more information on this particular package on the following thread: Thank you.
  • AM2015
    Thank you ---but there is a problem with the info on that other thread as points to the solutions that killed apached for me. If anyone is reading this: do NOT use the "official" Cloudflare installer referenced in post #27 -- that is, do NOT run this script: That script, at line 59, points to a download link that returns a 404 Not Found error -- but despite the inability to download the critical RPM, the script does not abort. Rather, the script continues to run and ends with the instructions, "Done. Please restart EasyApache 4". The attempted restart results in the syntax error referenced in this thread I don't know whether the steps I outlined in post #4 above will work for others either. But I'm pretty sure that the cannot possibly work as currently written because of the dead downoload link.
  • cPanelMichael
    But I'm pretty sure that the cannot possibly work as currently written because of the dead downoload link.

    Thanks for the detailed report. I've modified that response to remove the link to CloudFlare's installer file. I recommend opening an issue directly with CloudFlare if the installer for the plugin they provide is not working as intend. cloudflare/Cloudflare-CPanel Thank you.
  • AM2015
    I've already reported the problem with the broken link in the script to Cloudflare, before I posted here.
  • AM2015
    Just a follow up -- first, it turns out that I was mistaken about the URL in the script -- I have learned from the Cloudflare team that the download link I thought was broken contains a variable related to identifying proper OS--- so the script should correctly plug in the variable and the URL should work. So script is not broken --but again it didn't work form me, and running it caused Apache to fail -- so not recommended. But perhaps a more important piece of information -- the same Cloudflare tech who explained the script variable to me also wrote, "I do want to let you know that we are no longer supporting mod_cloudflare." So that means that whatever works now as a Cloudflare-provided script may not work in the future. So I would continue to advise against using the script, but now for a different reason (i.e., it is no longer supported).

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