PHP FPM - overriding default configuration
I am having difficulty overriding the default PHP FPM values.
I need to enable passthru(), system() and exec() on my system.
I also want to set a lower level of logging (so I no longer see E_Warning messages).
I have found the instructions given in other posted in this forum and followed them. But the changes have not taken effect. I still get an error message from the script saying that it fails because of the disabled functions.
Here is what I have done:
1) Created and edited the file /var/cpanel/ApachePHPFPM/system_pool_defaults.yaml with these two lines:
2) Run /scripts/php_fpm_config --rebuild But no changes have taken place. So I'm pretty much at a loss to figure out what to do next. I know there have been other threads on this and I've read them and followed the instructions.... but I still can't seem to get around the default values.
php_value_error_reporting : E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_WARNING & ~E_NOTICE
php_admin_value_disable_functions : shell_exec
2) Run /scripts/php_fpm_config --rebuild But no changes have taken place. So I'm pretty much at a loss to figure out what to do next. I know there have been other threads on this and I've read them and followed the instructions.... but I still can't seem to get around the default values.
Never mind -- I figured it out -- there's a step #3 that isn't included in the instructions. After running the PHP_FPM script (The php_fpm_config Script - Version 72 Documentation - cPanel Documentation) to rebuild the conf files, it is also necessary to restart the PHP-FPM service. (Kind of obvious in hindsight -- I only missed it because I'm now to using PHP-FPM -- so I did a restart of Apache but didn't' realize that I actually need to restart the PHP-FPM separately). Anyway, problem solved. But the point is that the rebuild script doesn't do a restart on its own - so that needs to be done as a separate step. 0 -
HI @AM2015 I'm really happy to hear you were able to find the cause of the issue. Thanks for updating the thread with the resolution! Thanks! 0
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