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[CPANEL-21358] Unable to validate rsync backup destination



  • AzeDK
    We would like a solution as well, any news @cPanelMichael ?
  • cPAdminsMichael
    Yeah - We ended up doing a small ssh-fuse workaround, rsyncing backups to ssh-mounted volumes. Worked pretty good for the past years. Today we just have local rsync storage servers which we also offer to customers of ours. Other alternatives out there are - but my experience is that the bandwidth to their servers varies a lot.
  • cPAdminsMichael
    Hi guys, Small insider ... JetBackup is going to support Hetzner Storage Boxes (and other rsync-only storage devices) in upcoming major version (v5). Release planned at end of the year, so if you are JetBackup customer, expect a solution maybe within 6 months :)
  • activa
    and why we are paying cPanel if we should use a third party addons? and why other has implemented it and cPanel not yet? this request has more than two years in progress !!!!! strange things Any news on that @cPanelMichael ?
  • amstel
    I have the same problem. I cannot understand why this has not been fixed yet :/
  • ServerMechanic
    Hi Here is my solution that it works. 1) Mount the Hetzner backup as they describe it here Access with SAMBA/CIFS - Hetzner Docs - I have mounted in to /mnt/backup/cpanel 2) generate a new ssh-key and store the public key it on the same server, add it to the /USER/.ssh/authorized_keys 4) Symlink the /mnt/backup/cpanel to /USER/backup (uase any name you desire) 5) on the cpanel backup create new rsync backup, the backup path should be the symlink (in my case backup), IP/hostname address of the server (no localhost or USER, select he private_key 6) test and validate Note: I sued root user and ssh root login was disabledin ssh but I used the MatchAddress to allow root only from specific IP. Enjoy!
  • noticet
    can;t believe this is going to be 3 YEARS old cpanel has been really SLOW on backup function, any ideas why ?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @noticet - let me speak with the developers and see if I can get an update. I can confirm the case hasn't been resolved yet, but I'll see if I can get more specifics and pass those along once I have them.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @noticet - thanks for your patience on this. I spoke with one of our developers about the rsync issue and we'd decided to do the following: -change the wording in the "Additional Destinations" interface to be "Rsync+SSH" for that destination type -update the documentation to reflect this change -change the existing case to a feature request to get a more native rsync implementation included in the product. That is on the team's radar as it's a known issue, but I can't provide any type of timeframe on that work. The current issue is that our rsync tool in the backup system relies on SSH as well, so remote systems expecting "pure" rsync connections and protocols currently do not give the desired results.
  • jorbox
    any updates ?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I poked our backup team to see what the status is and I'll let you know as soon as I get more details.
  • jorbox
    I poked our backup team to see what the status is and I'll let you know as soon as I get more details.

    Thank you but, Do you really mean that cPanel has a development team dedicated only for backups. and we are here the users relay on a paid backup plugin for backups ?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Each piece of the cPanel and WHM interface falls under a specific development team. For example, we have a team for Web Server issues, a team for email, etc. I did hear back from the team that controls backups and the only update is that they do have this on their radar, but do not have an estimated time of when it will be resolved.
  • vf-hostmaster
    We just got a brand new Synology NAS device for an external backup destination. My excitement has been snuffed out as I also ran into this issue being unable to validate the destination... error " Could not upload test file: child exited with code 1" When testing with rsync -a file user@host:folder/ -p 22 I receive the below Unexpected remote arg: user@host:folder/ rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1348) [sender=3.1.2] So I then attempted to switch to SFTP on the same device instead and it also cannot validate "Error: Validation for transport "SFTP Offsite" failed: Could not delete the file we had uploaded onto the server: Couldn't delete remote file: No such file" It complains about not being able to delete the remote file, and sure enough the temp file is still there on the share. Seeing as how this issue has been open since 2018, what are the chances of it actually being addressed within 2 weeks?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @vf-hostmaster - at this point, it's unlikely this will get fixed.
  • vf-hostmaster
    Solved. Running DSM 7 over here on Synology. You must have the home services enabled within Users & Groups > Advanced, and the user group that your user is a part of must have application permissions for rsync. ***Updated*** Another requirement that could show this error: Your rsync user must be part of the administrators group in DSM... yes I know it sucks but it is a must unless you feel like SSH'ing into your Synology and resorting to "hacky" methods of updating configs and copying keys.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I'm glad you found a good solution!
  • vf-hostmaster
    Spoke with the device manufacturer... I'm afraid that the solution I found is unacceptable due to the security holes it creates. This shouldn't even be needed, We simply need to be able to specify paths with no relation to a user's home directory. There are shared folders outside of home... and on many NAS devices home is restricted over SSH. Major failure by cPanel here
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Unfortunately that just isn't an option with a cPanel server - everything *has* to be owned by a user and *has* to be inside /home/username if it's going to be related to, or managed, by a cPanel account.
  • vf-hostmaster
    Yeah that is ridiculous. Major fail

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