[CPANEL-23606] cPanel Security Advisor missing kernel information when kernelcare is installed
cPanel Security Advisor no more showing about Kernel version info about update.
Hi @Nirjonadda What kernel are you running and are you running something like kernelcare? My server running stock CentOS 7 Kernel 3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64 with no KernelCare is showing as up to date in the Security Advisor: The system kernel is up-to-date at version "3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64".
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you running something like kernelcare?
NoMy server running stock CentOS 7
Yes, I am also running CentOS 7 kernel. I get response from Support Ticket. [QUOTE]This issue in internal case CPANEL-220950 -
Hello @Nirjonadda The case you're referencing is specifically related to kernelcare symlink protection. If you don't have kernelcare installed it wouldn't be relevant. Can you please provide the ticket ID for the support ticket you opened? Thanks! 0 -
Can you please provide the ticket ID for the support ticket you opened?
Sure, Ticket ID: 105225730 -
Thank you for providing the ticket ID. That ticket does not address the initial concern, nor does the case have any relation to your initial question: cPanel Security Advisor no more showing about Kernel version info about update.
The response in the ticket only addresses the kernelcare symlink protection notification remaining in instances where kernelcare symlink protection has already been installed. I would suggest opening a separate ticket to address this issue specifically as I cannot replicate it based on what you've explained thus far. If you do open a ticket please provide the relevant ticket ID here. Thank you.0 -
I would suggest opening a separate ticket to address this issue specifically as I cannot replicate it based on what you've explained thus far. If you do open a ticket please provide the relevant ticket ID here.
Done, Support Request ID is: 105512730 -
HI @Nirjonadda Great! I'm following that ticket and I'll update here with the outcome when available. Thanks! 0 -
Hello, To update this - the server in question did, in fact, have kernelcare installed using the free patch for symlink protection. It was found that when it was uninstalled the server information stopped being displayed in the security advisor. This resulted in an internal case being opened to address that behavior CPANEL-23606 We'll update this thread when the case has been resolved or if there are any other relevant updates in the meantime. Thanks! 0 -
But issue is kernelcare installed using the free patch link from security advisor. When installing free patch for symlink protection then should not install kernelcare license version. 0 -
The kernelcare installation installs a free version of kernelcare when you're using the symlink protection patch. The patchset it uses is the "free patch" this is standard behavior for it. You won't have a license installed but you will have kernelcare installed. The two are one in the same you just won't get automated kernel updates without a license. 0 -
The kernelcare installation installs a free version of kernelcare when you're using the symlink protection patch. The patchset it uses is the "free patch" this is standard behavior for it. You won't have a license installed but you will have kernelcare installed. The two are one in the same you just won't get automated kernel updates without a license.
Please let me know what going on for this issue?0 -
Hello, There have been no updates to this case at this time. 0 -
Still no update for this issue? 0 -
HI @Nirjonadda Still no update for this issue?
I just checked in on this once more and at this time there have been no further updates. As I mentioned before when it is updated we'll notify you here. Thanks!0 -
@cPanelLauren Please let me know about this issue fixed or not? 0 -
Hello @Nirjonadda The status of this issue has not changed. Every time we release a new version of cPanel we go through these cases and ensure that we've updated in the event that they're resolved. We will update this thread when that is done. 0 -
@cPanelLauren Still does not have any update? 0 -
Hello @Nirjonadda There is no update to the status of this case. 0 -
Hello @Nirjonadda There is no update to the status of this case.
Very strange, This issue over one years but no update happened ... :oops:0
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