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Switching Off Port 993 - Is Anyone Using It?



  • BobHoliday
    I know how to configure the firewall - I know how to block port 993... I want to know if any of my server users are using it and if so which. Is there a way to do that?
  • rpvw
    See this post on StackExchange - you could probably modify it to suit your needs
  • cPanelLauren
    If none of your users is connecting to the server using IMAP securely then there really should be no issues with filtering the port, though I wouldn't recommend this course of action, in the event one your users would like to at some point. Thanks!
  • BobHoliday
    I don't know if any of them are - I want to monitor the port for successful logins so I can find out. I would ask them all but none of my clients know the difference between imap and pop3 I don't suspect.
  • cPanelLauren
    The suggestions provided by @rpvw might be best to observe that behavior then. Just modify the dport line to reflect 993 and the --log-prefix to something that reflects what you're doing "993 logins" or similar.

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