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Problems with cpapi2 listparkeddomains



  • JAB Creations

    So UAPI hasn't replaced cpapi2 yet as of almost October 2024. So I'm responding to my thread from six years ago to clarify what needs to happen when.

    When in the terminal the user PHP uses must be specified:

    cpapi2 --user=php_user Park listparkeddomains --output=json

    However the exact same command will not work in PHP unless the user parameter is removed:

    cpapi2 Park listparkeddomains --output=json

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Maybe Andy Baugh has some thoughts on this issue?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Oh nice, and thanks for the kind words!

  • JAB Creations

    Rex, in a world where I've been down-voted in to hell by people who think they know more but do the wrong thing getting useful responses that help me build and protect my business so that I can greatly improve the lives of others - yeah, it's a rarity and I want you and the few others who contribute to know of my appreciation.

  • JAB Creations

    Rex, I appreciate your replies a lot. I want to clarify that my second post here was just to clarify to myself (and anyone else who comes across this via a search) how to run the commands properly in two different contexts.

    I would have gotten to the other thread ("UAPI has no documentation for cron jobs but replacing API 2?") that comes up naturally by tomorrow morning after finishing setting up my audit of cPanel commands and catching back up on emails. I'm a couple hours away from completing for the verification part of my internal administration relating to that other thread. His post there helps tremendously. Your posts, especially this year have also helped tremendously. Thank you!


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