[CPANEL-23708] warning on migration
upon performing migration on latest release 76.0.11 this warning pops. just wanted to give a heads up.
: Use of uninitialized value $domain in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DAV/Config.pm line 161.
RESTORE: Account "xxxx": Warnings
: Use of uninitialized value $domain in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DAV/Config.pm line 161.
: Use of uninitialized value $domain in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DAV/Config.pm line 161.
: Use of uninitialized value $domain in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DAV/Config.pm line 161.
: Use of uninitialized value $domain in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DAV/Config.pm line 161.
: Use of uninitialized value $domain in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DAV/Config.pm line 161.
: Use of uninitialized value $domain in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DAV/Config.pm line 161.
: Use of uninitialized value $domain in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DAV/Config.pm line 161.
Hi @katmai What version of cPanel are both servers running? We do have a case that addresses this issue CPANEL-23694 but it should be fixed in v76.0.7 of cPanel. Thanks! 0 -
both identical 0 -
Hi @katmai That doesn't actually answer the question what version of cPanel are they running? 0 -
i wrote above "upon performing migration on latest release 76.0.11 this warning pops. just wanted to give a heads up." that's the version. 0 -
Hi @katmai My apologies!! I zoomed in on the error and missed that. The case that I was noting seems to have not fixed the error and I did a bit more digging and found CPANEL-23708 for the error specifically. This one is fixed in v78 of cPanel. From what I read in the case it shouldn't be doing any more than displaying the error though. Can you confirm the transfer is successful? I'll also update here when 78 is sent to RELEASE. Thanks! 0 -
yeh transfer was successful. cool beans! glad you guys have it sorted. 0 -
Hi guys. I have the same issue running 76.0.20. You wrote that it should work even with the error. If I look in the log, I see this: [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Horde [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Restoring Horde (if any) [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Updating the horde configuration. [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [[2019-02-18 07:52:34 -0500] warn [Internal Warning while parsing [stdin] 21841] Use of uninitialized value in join or string at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Horde/Restore.pm line 152. [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Horde/Restore.pm line 152. [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Cpanel::Horde::Restore::restore(Cpanel::Horde=HASH(0x92c4ef0), "willardi", "/home/cpanelpkgrestore.TMP.work.246e72c3/safe_to_read_archive"..., "smart.legardeur.net", "smart2.legardeur.net", HASH(0x818c2e0)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Systems/Horde.pm line 56 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Systems/Horde.pm line 42 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Systems::Horde::restricted_restore(Whostmgr::Transfers::Systems::Horde=HASH(0x9194498)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Systems.pm line 119 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Systems::restore(Whostmgr::Transfers::Systems::Horde=HASH(0x9194498)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/AccountRestoration.pm line 224 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::AccountRestoration::__ANON__() called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/526/lib64/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 99 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/526/lib64/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 90 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Try::Tiny::try(CODE(0x8f56a70), Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0xa2b1910)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/AccountRestoration.pm line 228 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::AccountRestoration::_call_one_restore_module_without_archive_prep_check(Whostmgr::Transfers::AccountRestoration=HASH(0x87da2a8), "Horde") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/AccountRestoration.pm line 500 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::AccountRestoration::_call_one_restore_module_with_notices(Whostmgr::Transfers::AccountRestoration=HASH(0x87da2a8), "Horde") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/AccountRestoration.pm line 472 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::AccountRestoration::_run_restore_system_module(Whostmgr::Transfers::AccountRestoration=HASH(0x87da2a8), HASH(0x9900658), HASH(0x8eb3600)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/AccountRestoration.pm line 452 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::AccountRestoration::_run_restore_modules(Whostmgr::Transfers::AccountRestoration=HASH(0x87da2a8), HASH(0x9900658)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/AccountRestoration.pm line 407 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::AccountRestoration::_restore_package(Whostmgr::Transfers::AccountRestoration=HASH(0x87da2a8)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/AccountRestoration.pm line 90 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/AccountRestoration.pm line 90 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::AccountRestoration::restore_package(Whostmgr::Transfers::AccountRestoration=HASH(0x87da2a8)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Backup/Restore.pm line 81 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Backup/Restore.pm line 81 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Backup::Restore::load_transfers_then_restorecpmove("createacct", 1, "restoreparked", 1, "disabled", HASH(0x8f76a20), "replaceip", "all", ...) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Session/Items/AccountBase.pm line 151 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Items::AccountBase::_restore_package(Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Items::AccountRemoteRoot=HASH(0xa12a4b8)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Session/Item.pm line 270 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Item::__ANON__() called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/526/lib64/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 99 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/526/lib64/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 90 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Try::Tiny::try(CODE(0x9adfed8), Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0x8770918)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Session/Item.pm line 299 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Item::exec_path(Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Items::AccountRemoteRoot=HASH(0xa12a4b8), ARRAY(0x9e3af90), ARRAY(0x8e3abc0)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Session/Items/AccountBase.pm line 40 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Items::AccountBase::restore(Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Items::AccountRemoteRoot=HASH(0xa12a4b8)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Session/Processor.pm line 623 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Processor::__ANON__() called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Session.pm line 1517 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::__ANON__() called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/526/lib64/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 99 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/526/lib64/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 90 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Try::Tiny::try(CODE(0x862ff38), Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0x8f5c230)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Session.pm line 1521 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::exec_with_output_directed_to_fh(Whostmgr::Transfers::Session=HASH(0x4599d68), GLOB(0x90aac70), CODE(0xa2b6af8)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Session/Processor.pm line 639 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Processor::_process_dequeued_item(Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Processor=HASH(0x46204d8)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Session/Processor.pm line 519 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Processor::_process_items(Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Processor=HASH(0x46204d8)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Session/Processor.pm line 473 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Processor::__ANON__() called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ForkAsync.pm line 68 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ForkAsync.pm line 68 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Cpanel::ForkAsync::do_in_child(CODE(0x45de258)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Session/Processor.pm line 475 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Processor::_spawn_child(Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Processor=HASH(0x46204d8), undef, Whostmgr::Transfers::Session=HASH(0x4599d68)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Session/Processor.pm line 273 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Processor::_process_child(Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Processor=HASH(0x46204d8), Whostmgr::Transfers::Session=HASH(0x4599d68), 0) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Session/Processor.pm line 221 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Processor::_process_child_with_output_redirection(Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Processor=HASH(0x46204d8), Whostmgr::Transfers::Session=HASH(0x4599d68), 0, "smartlegardeurcopya20190217200736hGw") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Session/Processor.pm line 186 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Processor::__ANON__() called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ForkAsync.pm line 68 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ForkAsync.pm line 68 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Cpanel::ForkAsync::do_in_child(CODE(0x45e4a78)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Session/Processor.pm line 188 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Processor::start(Whostmgr::Transfers::Session::Processor=HASH(0x46204d8)) called at bin/start_transfer.pl line 60 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ main::__ANON__() called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/526/lib64/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 99 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/526/lib64/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 90 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ Try::Tiny::try(CODE(0x451c210), Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0x20437c8)) called at bin/start_transfer.pl line 75 [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: Invalid log entry: [ [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: ] [ 21841][RESTORE:2 ][A:willardi ]: : Use of uninitialized value $domain in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DAV/Config.pm line 161.
I wonder what part of HORDE would be missing/incomplete/corrupted? Thank you.0 -
Hello, To update, this is fixed cPanel & WHM version 78: Fixed case CPANEL-23708: Fix DAV warnings on account creation & restoration. Version 78 is tentatively planned for publication to the RELEASE tier later this week. Thank you. 0
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