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Mirror servers with same configuration



  • GOT
    What you are wanting to do is not terribly practical. There are a lot of ways to achieve highly available servers both with and without cpanel. With cPanel you really need to use virtualization and network based storage. We generally use Citrix Xenserver for this type of thing. You can also just set up the site without using a control panel and sync data with back-end mysql servers, etc. This is only practical though when you are talking about one or two sites that do not require frequent configuration changes like adding sites and you wouldn't run other services like email off them.
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello @samuelmf, Replication/High Availability isn't supported as a cPanel & WHM feature at this time, but I encourage you to review the following feature requests and vote/add feedback: Active-Active Redundancy or High-availability

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