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How long do we need to keep log files?



  • cPanelMichael
    Hello @zodiac9797, I'll leave this thread open for other providers to add feedback, however generally this is a topic you should consult with a lawyer or regulatory advisor about. Thank you.
  • zodiac9797
    Thank you @cPanelMichael, I was thinking that there will be other providers who know answer to this question. When someone leave an answer I believe that information will be useful for many of us. In my country it is very difficult to find this kind of information and there is no use of lawyers since most of them have their own limited area of work which is not connected with internet issues. I believe there is some of them that know the answer to this question but I have no idea how to find them. :( If someone can point me to some EU institution I will be happy to contact them.
  • Infopro
    This blog post may be of some use to you: General Data Protection Regulation and cPanel | cPanel Blog
  • zodiac9797
    This blog post may be of some use to you:
  • Infopro
    You might check this link from that blog post EUGDPR " Information Portal
  • zodiac9797
    @Infopro thank you. I will check EUGDPR portal and write here if I find an answer. :)

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