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[CPANEL-24832] Multiple service failure reports for cpsrvd, IMAP, and Exim



  • NotPublic
    Same issue here, the workaround is to disable cpsrvd in the Dormant services doesn't work
  • cPanelNick
    We believe we have tracked the problem down to a race condition with systemd. The problem was less likely to occur on an older version of cPanel because cpsrvd startup was not as fast as it is on newer versions. If our initial analysis is correct the issue will affect any systemd service that has Type=forking and KillMode=process. This means it can also cause seemingly random restart failure in cpgreylistd, cphulkd, dnsadmin, queueprocd, tailwatchd, etc. Can everyone who has reported the issue also confirm that it is unique to CentOS 7/CloudLinux 7? Additionally, the problem may be solved in systemd version 232 or newer. We are working on a workaround for the systemd version (219) that ships with CentOS 7/CloudLinux 7.
  • MHFraser
    Yes to CentOS 7/CloudLinux 7 just occurred again for me. I've been able to stabilise things bit by restarting cpsrvd every morning at 5am. I now get this problem once a month.
  • lorio
    Interesting, I have this issue on one virtual server (Virtuozzo) with CentOS7 too. Always thought is was a issue with Virtuzzo or the node setup. Made a parallel fresh installation on the same node and had no issues there. Same host, same CentOS7 template, but newer cPanel-Installation. Now i stumble upon this bugreport.
  • lorio
    Same issue here, the workaround is to disable cpsrvd in the Dormant services doesn't work

    Did you try to disable all service in Dormants services? How often do you see issues? I can see no pattern. Somestimes the issue is a few times a day. Then no issues for days.
  • rallisf1
    I have the same problem on my Centos 7.6 VPS (systemd 219) and I have found numerous posts about it being buggy for more than cPanel. My issue is happening (almost) daily late at night (ranging from 11pm to 6am) for about 20 minutes which wasn't a huge deal for me or my clients, so I just waited for some cPanel update to fix it. Apparently after 5 months this is still an issue and I just stumbled upon this thread now. I am trying the Dormant services workaround for the moment but have also found this permament fix by facebook sysadmins for the more dauntless: - Removed - I can't really try this fix on a production server with dozens of clients so if anyone goes through with it please post an update. P.S. I cannot post a ticket because the domain of my server has changed and my cpanel account doesn't work any more.
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello @rallisf1, This is fixed in cPanel & WHM version 80: Fixed case CPANEL-24832: Workaround systemd race condition which can cause it to kill cpsrvd. Version 80 is currently only published to the EDGE release tier as a development version, however there is an active request to backport the case to cPanel & WHM version 78. I'll continue to monitor the case and update this thread with more information as it becomes available. Thank you.
  • luxmicro
    Hello @The Old Man, Can you see if disabling cpsrvd in the Dormant services section under the Software tab in WHM >> Tweak Settings addresses the issue? This should solve the problem until case CPANEL-24832 is published. Thank you.

    Thank you for this! Our server is running the latest version of CPanel/WHM and this problem has been driving me crazy for the last several months. Issue is: Failed: cpsrvd "ip address" The Service cpsrvd appears to be down I can confirm it has done this at least once a day (sending emails and texts) for the last 4 months. Mine does have a time pattern and it always happens around 12 midnight. So I did what your post asks by disabling cpsrvd in the dormant services section and it has finally stopped. I honestly had to look at my phone twice to see if this was for real. haha. Thanks!
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello Everyone, I've marked this thread as SOLVED with cPanel & WHM version 80 now in the RELEASE build tier. Let us know if any additional issues are noticed after upgrading to version 80. Thank you.
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello, For anyone using cPanel & WHM version 78 (LTS), CPANEL-24832 was published to 78.0.32 today: 78 Change Log - Change Logs - cPanel Documentation Thank you.
  • janipewter
    I can confirm this is not fixed in v80.0.20
  • cPanelMichael
    I can confirm this is not fixed in v80.0.20

    Hello @janipewter, Can you provide a full description of the symptoms you notice on the server running cPanel & WHM version 80.0.20? Thank you.
  • janipewter
    Exactly the same behaviour as before. IMAP, Exim and Cpsrvd all fail and then recover a short while later. It seems to be completely random whether it happens or not, but when it does, it's usually between midnight and 0200. It never happens more than once per day.
  • cPanelMichael
    Exactly the same behaviour as before. IMAP, Exim and Cpsrvd all fail and then recover a short while later. It seems to be completely random whether it happens or not, but when it does, it's usually between midnight and 0200. It never happens more than once per day.

    Hello @janipewter, We'll need to take a closer look at your system to see why this is happening. Could you submit a support ticket and post the ticket number here once it's opened? I'll follow the ticket and report the outcome here once it's closed. Thank you.
  • janipewter
    Support ticket created. 12902305 Thanks
  • cPanelMichael
    Support ticket created. 12902305

    To update, it looks like the service failure reported in the ticket was a one-time occurrence and not a new occurrence of the issue reported on this thread. Thank you.
  • Dan Root

    Been 5 years, but am having this issue with a current cPanel / WHM version on Alma Linux OS. Disabled the dormant service in Tweak Settings just now as a temporary resolution, but would like to know if anyone solved this one? Thanks.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Dan Root - it would seem unlikely that this was the same problem as this original report, so it might be best to open a new thread with more specific details about your situation.

  • PeteS

    cPRex - If you see a new thread for this can you please link it here also so we will see it?

    I still have a (minor) issue with p0f going down and then being restarted by cPanel. Typically it's only on the DNS servers, and is right after/during upcp running. It may or may not be related...

    Also, I have noticed with the new forum that all links to the old form are broken. This has been a constant irritation. Any chance of a fix? I bet not, and that's sad and poor planning. Ya know?


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    PeteS - any links that go to something newer than 10 years old should still work.  Anything before that time is no longer accessible.

    I can't say I'm familiar with that happening, but if it's something that is recurring or if you have a way to reproduce you can always make a ticket with our team.

  • PeteS

    cPRex - Fair enough o the 10 yr cutoff. :) I have no idea of the age of a link, but it's possible that they have all been that stale...

    On the p0f service issue, I haven't tried manually running upcp to see if it's repeatable, and it's intermittent. It's not been a cause of any trouble so I've back-burnered it hope for a "magical fix" on a future update. ;) I am saving the errors though for an eventual eval and probably a ticket.



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