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Mobile Outlook authentication error



  • cPanelLauren
    This sounds like an issue with the mobile client, are your clients able to connect to webmail on the mobile devices?
  • zstergios
    Yes it works via webmail. I'm using in app configuration mail.domain.tld:993 & 465
  • zstergios
    Solved. I had set to "blacklisted" the US via cpHulk. I set it to no specified and worked It supposed that it blocks USERS that conntected THROUGH USA IP, right? Please consider to investigate this issue
  • cPanelLauren
    If you blocked US IP addresses and your users are using an IP that originates from the US then the logical conclusion would be that they would be blocked. Based on that it doesn't sound like there's anything to investigate further, can you explain in more detail please?
  • zstergios
    Yes this the right logic. But users are from Greece. I tried it myself. Seems Outlook connected to IMAP from their servers and not directly from the APP
  • cPanelLauren
    Hi @zstergios It could be that the ISP they're using is utilizing US IP's? There's nothing we can do to stop that from occurring though.
  • zstergios
    No, I don't think so, I never had ISP issues. Yes I know but if my theory it's correct then IMAP password is stored on Microsoft's servers and not localy
  • cPanelLauren
    While I'm not a Microsoft expert I don't believe that's the case when using Outlook, I believe they store passwords in the system registry, though I could be wrong, this isn't something that we'd have the ability to assist with.
  • zstergios
    It's worth a try to check it your self, just for test case. I know that you can't do anything about it
  • judi08
    I am experiencing this same issue of the Outlook application on my Samsung Galaxy phones. I first encountered the issue when I updating my Outlook account on my mobile phone at that time I faced an error with it, which is outlook error 0x800ccc0e. Due to the authentication issue. Please explain how do I fix the error.
  • cPanelLauren
    I am experiencing this same issue of the Outlook application on my Samsung Galaxy phones. I first encountered the issue when I updating my Outlook account on my mobile phone at that time I faced an error with it, which is outlook error 0x800ccc0e. Due to the authentication issue. Please explain how do I fix the error.

    In the previous case they had blacklised specific IP's in their cPHulk implementation - if this is something you had done then you'd need to remove the blocks to resolve the error

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