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Back up time



  • WHMBackupSolutions
    Hi I am running V 78.0.24 and Lentos 7.6 (server) 1.8Tb od disk space and 32Gb Memory I have a Cron job that starts at 01:00 local time to backup various account on specific dates. There is about 200Gb's of data. This all works Ok, but every so often, when we try to log into an account, we find that the server suddenly starts to run very slow and sites won't load. It's as if the server is running out of memory. A graceful reboot of the server clears the problem. It has been suggested that the back up is taking a very long time and is using all of the sever resources. I don't understand why this would only happen occasionally, but wonder if there is a log which shows when the the back-ups start and end, so that I can see if this is what is causing the problem.? If not, I wonder if anyone has any ideas as to what might be causing the problem. Many thanks A

    Where are you backing up to? I assume you are backing up using root's backup transport?
  • cPanelLauren
    The cPanel backup logs will also note the start and end time of backups as well as indicate if there were any errors during the backup process. You can find them at /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpbackup/

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