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How to convert all InnoDB to MyISAM & disable InnoDB ?



  • Jcats
    You should check out:
  • Bidi
    Hello, I will try, and with the settings in my.cnf got any idea ? how to disable the innodb at all ? The first time when i had problems was because of an customer, i dont know how but he had some script, he made in one night sompting like 50GB database and the server partition get full and crashed, the customer account had limit 10GB for hes account, but the database how he manage to be 50gb i dont know and never finded The secand time was my mistake, accidently pulled the server power cable thinking is another server witch i was not using it any more.
  • Jcats
    Depends which version of MySQL you are running.
  • Bidi
    mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.18-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1
  • Jcats
    This should work then:
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello @Bidi, The following resource is available if you'd like information on how to repair InnoDB prior to converting all databases/tables to MyISAM (should you decide to go that route):

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