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Cannot Apply PHP Version to an Account



  • LucasRolff
    What's the permissions on the users homedir diydoo
    as well as public_html
    ? It might be that the permissions on those directories are preventing from changing the permissions on the .htaccess
  • hub2000
    Hello, its drwxr-x--- 26 diydoo nobody 4096 Oct 3 09:10 public_html drwx--x--x 25 diydoo diydoo 4096 Oct 2 18:30 diydoo We did a transfer of the whole account to a new server, its the same behaviour as on the source server. Interesting: If i add a new subdomain to diydoo, then i can successfully switch php version for this subdomain. hub
  • hub2000
    Ok, its solved: The .htaccess file (as specified in public_html or in public_html/addondomain/ folder) MUST have permission ACCOUNT/ACCOUNT and not ACCOUNT/NOBODY. We need for running of the software ACCOUNT/NOBODY but when switching php version we have temporarely switch to ACCOUNT/ACCOUNT. hub
  • cPanelLauren
    Glad to see you were able to identify the issue and thank you for disclosing how you resolved it.

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