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DNS Cluster - Minimum / Recommended Requirements



  • cPanelLauren
    Hello, The installation requirements for cPanel and DNSOnly are the same. THey can be found here: Installation Guide - System Requirements - Version 84 Documentation - cPanel Documentation
    - What is the best operating system? Please limit choices as I'm a newbie and just want whatever is mainstream

    cPanel will only support installations on CentOS, CloudLinux, RedHat or AWS's Amazon Linux.
    - How much RAM? - How many vCPUs?

    The installation instructions also provide the minimum and recommended hardware specifications.
    - And disk space?

    For the DNSOnly servers you wouldn't need a ton of Disk Space since all they'd be holding is the DNS zone files.
    For those reaching this post and who is like me is too busy to RTFM and just wants a simple answer, the minimum requirement for a DNS standalone server is 1 GB RAM. I tried running one on Google Compute Engine's free tier called f1-micro (1 vCPU, 0.6 GB memory), but when the installation kicked off it aborted because it needed 800 MB RAM. We decided to drop GCE and moved to a $5 Digital Ocean Standard server and there it's working.

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