[CPANEL-30266] AutoSSL did not renew the certificate
Hy, i have same problem - ticket open 13713117 -
DNS DCV: The system failed to determine whether "***.ro" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID 6ct5yr) DNS returned "SERVFAIL" (code 2) in response to the system"s query for "***.ro""s "NS" records.; HTTP DCV: The system failed to determine whether "***.ro" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID 6ct5yr) DNS returned "SERVFAIL" (code 2) in response to the system"s query for "***.ro""s "NS" records.
This problem occurs in all hosted areas.
Test Email Deliverability warn [whostmgrd] The subprocess (whostmgr (partial)) exited with an error: The subprocess reported error number 1 when it ended. at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Server/Handlers/SubProcess.pm line 251. Cpanel::Server::Handlers::SubProcess::_report_subprocess_errors(Cpanel::Server::Handlers::SubProcess=HASH(0x1b0dfc0)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Server/Handlers/SubProcess.pm line 109 Cpanel::Server::Handlers::SubProcess::handler(Cpanel::Server::Handlers::SubProcess=HASH(0x1b0dfc0), "subprocess_name", "whostmgr (partial)", "subprocess_read_handle", GLOB(0x1b3a9e0), "subprocess_write_handle", GLOB(0x1b3a890), "subprocess_pid_to_reap", ...) called at cpsrvd.pl line 7267 cpanel::cpsrvd::cpHandler("app", "whostmgr", "json", 0, "document", "./shared/js/email_deliverability/views/listDomains.ptt") called at cpsrvd.pl line 6389 cpanel::cpsrvd::dodoc_whostmgrd() called at cpsrvd.pl line 1972 cpanel::cpsrvd::dodoc(HASH(0x1398720)) called at cpsrvd.pl line 1717 cpanel::cpsrvd::handle_one_connection(6) called at cpsrvd.pl line 1097 cpanel::cpsrvd::script() called at cpsrvd.pl line 425 warn [xml-api] DNS query failure (........in-addr.arpa/PTR): Cpanel::Exception::Timeout/(XID z4qdqf) DNS query (.........in-addr.arpa/PTR) timeout! at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DNS/Unbound.pm line 366. Cpanel::DNS::Unbound::_die_if_query_failed(HASH(0x25a8700)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DNS/Unbound.pm line 355 0 -
Had the same thing happen this morning for multiple domains... some of which will end up expiring in the next week. I already opened a cpanel support ticket and it just so happens the queue is extremely bad today for other reasons so still waiting. In the meantime, if you figure anything out please list it here in the thread. I changed from BIND to PowerDNS a few days ago so I thought that might be related, but since you are having the same issue maybe it isn't. 0 -
Hello @stelianb The issue you were experiencing was related to an internal case CPANEL-30266 where libunbound was timing out over IPv6 timeouts on root nameservers. Since you're utilizing CloudFlare for your domains - I'd suggest that the only way to get a request over IPv4 to workaround this issue would be to use your DNS instead of theres. You may not want to do this though and in that case until our developers resolve the issue or until an alternate workaround is provided the request will fail. @morrow95 what's your ticket ID and I'll look to see if its the same issue In reference to the case I will update here when there is any change to the case. Thanks! 0 -
13715961 - I was told this was related to CPANEL-30266 as well and no workaround or timeframe as of yet. I am trying to think how to approach this right now since we have certs which will expire within the week. I am hoping I can manually renew those certs somehow because if I can't and they expire then there is a lot of things I have to change to prepare our sites for not having https. Unlike most of the people on here we do not host sites for others or resell, but rather have our own company domains on the server. 0 -
13715961 - I was told this was related to CPANEL-30266 as well and no workaround or timeframe as of yet. I am trying to think how to approach this right now since we have certs which will expire within the week. I am hoping I can manually renew those certs somehow because if I can't and they expire then there is a lot of things I have to change to prepare our sites for not having https. Unlike most of the people on here we do not host sites for others or resell, but rather have our own company domains on the server.
Right now for affected users we're suggesting disabling IPv6 pending a more viable workaround/resolution. It looks like the analysts suggested that to you as well. Were you able to complete this?0 -
Hi, thanks for the answer, I changed the servers of CloudFlare to he.net yesterday. On another server where I still have he.net I am not familiar with the certificates. To me after this change, the problem persisted. Ipv6 is off. 0 -
I'm having the same issue across all my sites. DNS DCV: The system failed to determine whether "******.com" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID 9428bu) DNS returned "SERVFAIL" (code 2) in response to the system"s query for "******.com""s "NS" records.; HTTP DCV: The system failed to determine whether "******.com" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID 9428bu) DNS returned "SERVFAIL" (code 2) in response to the system"s query for "******.com""s "NS" records. I can't add a SSL on my new site because of this. 0 -
For anyone experiencing this issue, I urge you to open a ticket, we are in need of servers to replicate this - please reference this thread and internal case ID CPANEL-30266 Or, if you update here I can make those notes for you. Thanks! 0 -
I just wanted to update the thread here. In my situation we have a vpc with two vms setup (one for WHM with our domains, apache, etc and a second for our mariadb database only). With this setup we have public ips and internal ips which are nat'ed. As it turns out, our hosting provider who provisioned this years ago did not setup the dnat/snat rules so internal could connect to external if that makes sense - I am not a server guy and just know the basics and have a grasp of what was going on. Support pointed me to Hairpin NAT / NAT Hairpinning with vShield Edge as a reference to look at. I gave it a try and created some new dnat/snat rules for internal as we only had external setup prior. After doing so I tested the results : # telnet 53 and # nmap -sT -p 53 for both of our private nameserver ips and they returned correctly this time around. Now that the dns was responding as it should I just went and re-checked our domains in autossl of WHM and within minutes it had retrieved new certs and installed them for the domains that were expiring. From what I get out of this whole thing... there was a change with WHM in v84 where some dns/resolver things were changed. It no longer liked the way our server was setup and responding or was using a different method that didn't like it. Before we translated public ips to internal and vice versa for external only. We had to add those same translations for internal as well. I'm sure I worded this badly or in a confusing way as I am not familiar with this sort of stuff, but hopefully you understand what happened in my case and what resolved it. 0 -
I'm have same problem Ticket Open 13733065 DNS DCV: The system failed to determine whether "****.cloud" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID pn6vtf) DNS returned "SERVFAIL" (code 2) in response to the system"s query for "****.cloud""s "NS" records.; HTTP DCV: The system failed to determine whether "****.cloud" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID pn6vtf) DNS returned "SERVFAIL" (code 2) in response to the system"s query for "****.cloud""s "NS" records. I can't auto renew SSL multiple domains expire and can't add SSL on new site 0 -
Problem solved. CPanel test environment latest version + new static IP + restore backup user 1 each 1. The first 4 accounts after the restoration immediately renegotiated the certificates, the 5th NO. I deleted the data, I recreated another user (for the same domain) - I suspected that there would be something dubious in / home / user, and the same problem with AutoSSL. After a long search I found that this domain had a DNSSEC registration with the registrar. I deleted that record and AutoSSL started working immediately. !!! In the attention of cPanel: Interesting that only this user had DNSSEC, but indirectly the AutoSSL service is affected for all WHM users. With this I consider that the ticket opened by me can be closed. PS: It has no connection to the ipv6 (link only) connection in CentOS 7 0 -
Getting this issue on all new created domain or on renewal DNS DCV: The system failed to determine whether "****.com" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID mbabmr) DNS query (****.com/NS) timeout!; HTTP DCV: The system failed to determine whether "****.com" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID mbabmr) DNS query (****.com/NS) timeout! Ticket No: 13757973 0 -
Getting this issue on all new created domain or on renewal DNS DCV: The system failed to determine whether "****.com" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID mbabmr) DNS query (****.com/NS) timeout!; HTTP DCV: The system failed to determine whether "****.com" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID mbabmr) DNS query (****.com/NS) timeout! Ticket No: 13757973
Hello, I've updated that ticket with a note to indicate that it's associated with this thread and will update here with the outcome.0 -
Hello, I've updated that ticket with a note to indicate that it's associated with this thread and will update here with the outcome.
Done0 -
Hello, In addition:
warn [xml-api] DNS query failure (.......in-addr.arpa/PTR): Cpanel::Exception::Timeout/(XID p2jpa5) DNS query (.........in-addr.arpa/PTR) timeout! at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DNS/Unbound.pm line 366. Cpanel::DNS::Unbound::_die_if_query_failed(HASH(0x25a8700)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DNS/Unbound.pm line 355 Cpanel::DNS::Unbound::recursive_query_or_die(Cpanel::DNS::Unbound=HASH(0x1ef7518), "............in-addr.arpa", "PTR") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DNS/Unbound.pm line 416 eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DNS/Unbound.pm line 416 Cpanel::DNS::Unbound::recursive_query(Cpanel::DNS::Unbound=HASH(0x1ef7518), "..........in-addr.arpa", "PTR") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DnsUtils/ReverseDns.pm line 341 Cpanel::DnsUtils::ReverseDns::_validate_ptr("IP......", "........in-addr.arpa", "A", CODE(0x25afa60)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DnsUtils/ReverseDns.pm line 329 Cpanel::DnsUtils::ReverseDns::validate_ipv4_ptr_record("IP.......") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DnsUtils/ReverseDns.pm line 159 Cpanel::DnsUtils::ReverseDns::validate_ptr_record("IP") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DnsUtils/ReverseDns.pm line 96 Cpanel::DnsUtils::ReverseDns::__ANON__() called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 97 eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 88 Try::Tiny::try(CODE(0x2586100), Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0x251ecd0)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DnsUtils/ReverseDns.pm line 101 Cpanel::DnsUtils::ReverseDns::validate_ptr_records_for_ips(ARRAY(0x25869a0)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DnsUtils/MailRecords.pm line 658 Cpanel::DnsUtils::MailRecords::validate_ptr_records_for_domains(HASH(0x1db38b8)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/API/1/EmailAuth.pm line 50 Whostmgr::API::1::EmailAuth::validate_current_ptrs(HASH(0x1dbf7d8), HASH(0x1d87ef0), HASH(0x1d87e30)) called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3619 whostmgr::bin::xml_api::__ANON__(HASH(0x1d87ef0), HASH(0x1dbf7d8), HASH(0x1d87e30), undef) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/API/1/Data/Wrapper.pm line 219 Whostmgr::API::1::Data::Wrapper::__ANON__() called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 97 eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 88 Try::Tiny::try(CODE(0x1dbf7f0), Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0x1ef75d8)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/API/1/Data/Wrapper.pm line 238 Whostmgr::API::1::Data::Wrapper::execute_internal(CODE(0x1ed5cc0), HASH(0x1dbf7d8), HASH(0x1d87e30), HASH(0x1dc0520), undef) called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3794 whostmgr::bin::xml_api::runapp("validate_current_ptrs", HASH(0x1d87e30), HASH(0x1db3d20), 1, undef) called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3875 eval {...} called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3875 whostmgr::bin::xml_api::batch_runapp(HASH(0x18abd08), HASH(0x1d618a8), HASH(0x1d681f8)) called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3619 whostmgr::bin::xml_api::__ANON__(HASH(0x1d618a8), HASH(0x18abd08), HASH(0x1d681f8), CODE(0x1d5d618)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/API/1/Data/Wrapper.pm line 219 Whostmgr::API::1::Data::Wrapper::__ANON__() called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 97 eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 88 Try::Tiny::try(CODE(0x1d6d7f8), Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0x1d6b600)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/API/1/Data/Wrapper.pm line 238 Whostmgr::API::1::Data::Wrapper::execute_internal(CODE(0x1d67a00), HASH(0x18abd08), HASH(0x1d681f8), HASH(0x1d616c8), CODE(0x1d5d618)) called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3794 whostmgr::bin::xml_api::runapp("batch", HASH(0x1d681f8), HASH(0x17b9f08), 0, CODE(0x1d5d618)) called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3526 whostmgr::bin::xml_api::script(CODE(0x1d5d618), "-json", "./batch") called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3472 at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DNS/Unbound.pm line 425. Cpanel::DNS::Unbound::_warn_query_failure(".........in-addr.arpa", "PTR", "") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DNS/Unbound.pm line 417 Cpanel::DNS::Unbound::recursive_query(Cpanel::DNS::Unbound=HASH(0x1ef7518), ".............in-addr.arpa", "PTR") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DnsUtils/ReverseDns.pm line 341 Cpanel::DnsUtils::ReverseDns::_validate_ptr("IP......", "............in-addr.arpa", "A", CODE(0x25afa60)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DnsUtils/ReverseDns.pm line 329 Cpanel::DnsUtils::ReverseDns::validate_ipv4_ptr_record("IP......") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DnsUtils/ReverseDns.pm line 159 Cpanel::DnsUtils::ReverseDns::validate_ptr_record("IP........") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DnsUtils/ReverseDns.pm line 96 Cpanel::DnsUtils::ReverseDns::__ANON__() called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 97 eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 88 Try::Tiny::try(CODE(0x2586100), Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0x251ecd0)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DnsUtils/ReverseDns.pm line 101 Cpanel::DnsUtils::ReverseDns::validate_ptr_records_for_ips(ARRAY(0x25869a0)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DnsUtils/MailRecords.pm line 658 Cpanel::DnsUtils::MailRecords::validate_ptr_records_for_domains(HASH(0x1db38b8)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/API/1/EmailAuth.pm line 50 Whostmgr::API::1::EmailAuth::validate_current_ptrs(HASH(0x1dbf7d8), HASH(0x1d87ef0), HASH(0x1d87e30)) called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3619 whostmgr::bin::xml_api::__ANON__(HASH(0x1d87ef0), HASH(0x1dbf7d8), HASH(0x1d87e30), undef) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/API/1/Data/Wrapper.pm line 219 Whostmgr::API::1::Data::Wrapper::__ANON__() called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 97 eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 88 Try::Tiny::try(CODE(0x1dbf7f0), Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0x1ef75d8)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/API/1/Data/Wrapper.pm line 238 Whostmgr::API::1::Data::Wrapper::execute_internal(CODE(0x1ed5cc0), HASH(0x1dbf7d8), HASH(0x1d87e30), HASH(0x1dc0520), undef) called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3794 whostmgr::bin::xml_api::runapp("validate_current_ptrs", HASH(0x1d87e30), HASH(0x1db3d20), 1, undef) called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3875 eval {...} called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3875 whostmgr::bin::xml_api::batch_runapp(HASH(0x18abd08), HASH(0x1d618a8), HASH(0x1d681f8)) called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3619 whostmgr::bin::xml_api::__ANON__(HASH(0x1d618a8), HASH(0x18abd08), HASH(0x1d681f8), CODE(0x1d5d618)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/API/1/Data/Wrapper.pm line 219 Whostmgr::API::1::Data::Wrapper::__ANON__() called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 97 eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Try/Tiny.pm line 88 Try::Tiny::try(CODE(0x1d6d7f8), Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0x1d6b600)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/API/1/Data/Wrapper.pm line 238 Whostmgr::API::1::Data::Wrapper::execute_internal(CODE(0x1d67a00), HASH(0x18abd08), HASH(0x1d681f8), HASH(0x1d616c8), CODE(0x1d5d618)) called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3794 whostmgr::bin::xml_api::runapp("batch", HASH(0x1d681f8), HASH(0x17b9f08), 0, CODE(0x1d5d618)) called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3526 whostmgr::bin::xml_api::script(CODE(0x1d5d618), "-json", "./batch") called at whostmgr/bin/xml-api.pl line 3472
The problem seems to be solved by updating to version 84.0.9 Fixed case CPANEL-30194: Change some errors on WHM's DNS Cluster page into warnings. Reverse Trust, DNSSEC and server status messages are now warnings rather than errors.0 -
Ticket 13760537 Same issues, sigh! 0 -
I checked that ticket, it does not appear to be resolved. @ciao70 Your issues are related to libunbound, the new method of DNS resolution. It does not appear to be specifically related to DNSSEC or clustering based on the errors you're reporting.Ticket 13760537 Same issues, sigh!
I'm sorry you're experiencing this issue, I've noted this thread in the ticket and I checked in on the case. It looks like it's just awaiting signoff and should be available in a build soon.0 -
@cPanelLauren Unfortunately the problem has not been solved. When doing the email delivery test from this error in the cpanel log warn [xml-api] DNS query failure (xx.xx.xx.xx.in-addr.arpa/PTR): Cpanel::Exception::Timeout/(XID cp8gz5) DNS query (xx.xx.xx.xx.in-addr.arpa/PTR) timeout!at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DNS/Unbound.pm line Cpanel::DNS::Unbound::_die_if_query_failed(HASH(0x25a8700)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DNS/Unbound.pm line 355 Cpanel::DNS::Unbound::recursive_query_or_die(Cpanel::DNS::Unbound=HASH(0x1ef7518), "............in-addr.arpa", "PTR") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DNS/Unbound.pm line 416
The PTR is still correct even if the test fails Only once did he give the test ok, otherwise from Time out0 -
I have the same DNS DCV: The system failed to determine whether "domain.ch" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID rxs8ya) DNS returned "SERVFAIL" (code 2) in response to the system"s query for "domain.ch""s "NS" records.; HTTP DCV: The system failed to determine whether "domain.ch" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID rxs8ya) DNS returned "SERVFAIL" (code 2) in response to the system"s query for "domain.ch""s "NS" records. 0 -
@cPanelLauren Unfortunately the problem has not been solved. When doing the email delivery test from this error in the cpanel log
warn [xml-api] DNS query failure (xx.xx.xx.xx.in-addr.arpa/PTR): Cpanel::Exception::Timeout/(XID cp8gz5) DNS query (xx.xx.xx.xx.in-addr.arpa/PTR) timeout!at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DNS/Unbound.pm line Cpanel::DNS::Unbound::_die_if_query_failed(HASH(0x25a8700)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DNS/Unbound.pm line 355 Cpanel::DNS::Unbound::recursive_query_or_die(Cpanel::DNS::Unbound=HASH(0x1ef7518), "............in-addr.arpa", "PTR") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DNS/Unbound.pm line 416
The PTR is still correct even if the test fails Only once did he give the test ok, otherwise from Time out
My last response indicated that this issue is in fact not resolved. The newest update i have for this is that it is fixed in v86 and it looks like just a few minutes ago it was updated to be included in the next build of cPanel v84 as well. When there is an update, that puts this in a RELEASE version of cPanel & WHM I'll update this threadI have the same DNS DCV: The system failed to determine whether "domain.ch" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID rxs8ya) DNS returned "SERVFAIL" (code 2) in response to the system"s query for "domain.ch""s "NS" records.; HTTP DCV: The system failed to determine whether "domain.ch" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID rxs8ya) DNS returned "SERVFAIL" (code 2) in response to the system"s query for "domain.ch""s "NS" records.
I'm not convinced this is the same issue - what if anything is output to the cPanel error log at/usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log
0 -
Can Someone please help me. I'm getting the same issue. Ticket ID is 13764125 0 -
Can Someone please help me. I'm getting the same issue. Ticket ID is 13764125
Hello, I just checked in on your ticket and it appears to have been addressed by an analyst at this time. The issue appears to be due to a misconfiguration of your NAT routing.0 -
Hello, We are having the same issue - ticket submitted @ 13789709 Please advise asap!!! 0 -
Hello, I'm not convinced based on the errors you're providing this is the same issue but an analyst has responded to the ticket and is awaiting your reply at this time. 0 -
I am also experiencing the same issue... DNS DCV: The system failed to determine whether... Please note my ticket number is 13774021 0 -
Having similar problems. ticket number "13796685". Any help much appreciated. 0 -
Same problem here... Any news? DNS DCV: The system failed to determine whether "domain.com" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID zxxcdz) DNS returned "SERVFAIL" (code 2) in response to the system"s query for "domain.com""s "NS" records.; HTTP DCV: The system failed to determine whether "domain.com" is a registered domain because of a DNS error: (XID zxxcdz) DNS returned "SERVFAIL" (code 2) in response to the system"s query for domain.com""s "NS" records. 0 -
Same problem here... Any news? 0 -
Hello, The fix for this is still slated for backport into v84 and we"ll update here as soon as it"s available. 0 -
Hi! We are facing same issue in our servers. The lastest updates didn't solved this. :( 0
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