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Failed to generate a syntactically correct Apache configuration



  • A Hartonian
    This is what I did to fix the problem. Thought it might be useful for someone else who is facing the same issue. # cd /etc/ # mv apache2 apache2bk # yum reinstall ea-apache* -y # /scripts/rebuildhttpdconf # /scripts/restartsrv_httpd
  • cPanelLauren
    Hello, I'm really glad that you were able to resolve the issue. This happens when there is an issue with the copy of the httpd.conf litespeed makes (httpd_ls_bak) is incorrect. Thank you for providing the steps you too to resolve the issue.
  • johncarlopogix
    Hello, I'm really glad that you were able to resolve the issue. This happens when there is an issue with the copy of the httpd.conf litespeed makes (httpd_ls_bak) is incorrect. Thank you for providing the steps you too to resolve the issue.

    thank you very much it work <3

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