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Create a wheel user for ssh key



  • cPanelLauren
    A wheel user is a user that is granted the su command though not a sudo user which can be configured in /etc/sudoers - You can read about wheel group users here: Manage Wheel Group Users | cPanel & WHM Documentation - You may need to grant your wheel user sudo permissions. The SSH key for the user can be configured in the user's cPanel interface. If the user is not a cPanel user you'll need to add the SSH key manually, the following provides pretty basic/easy to follow instructions on how to manually configure an SSH key: How to use ssh-keygen to generate a new SSH key Do ensure that the SSH key is accessible to the user that you've created it in
  • samuelmf
    Thanks for reply Lauren i have this situation: On destination server (where i will store backup) i've created an account with useradd command, set it a password and put that created user on wheel users (i dont know if this its neccesary or not). Where i must to create the ssh keys on the destination or on the origin? Help me please because i'm newbie on the ssh key configurations. Thanks in advance
  • cPanelLauren
    Hello, That second link should provide you with instructions on how to do this in the event you manually added a user.

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