Cannot sign in to PHPmyAdmin from cPanel
I have a client who cannot access phpmyadmin from cPanel. We used to be able to just click Phpmyadmin in cPanel and it would connect automatically. Has this changed?
Now it wants a user name and password. What user is this?
I also see a message ' Undefined index: auth_type"
This happened after a cPAnel password change. He did not synchronize the the MySQL password when he made the change.
Can you assist?
...He did not synchronize the the MySQL password when he made the change.
And that is the problem. Ask him to change it again and select Synchronize MySQL password.0 -
You should indeed not have to enter a password when accessing PHPMyAdmin from cPanel, I would try to change the password again and sync with MySQL once more as @quietFinn suggests and let us know if the issue persists 0
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