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Varnish on VM cPanel



  • GoMummyHosting
    Hello, Actually cPanel is not officially supporting it but you can install it at your own risk. Please refer
  • webstyler
    Hello, Actually cPanel is not officially supporting it but you can install it at your own risk. Please refer
  • nixuser
    We do have users that install applications such as Varnish, Nginx. Or use a third party plugin to integrate with cpanel. If you search the forums, you will find helpful threads here.
  • cPanelLauren
    Why not use litespeed? It is supported by cPanel and as far as I understand it faster as well. There is no supported method of adding varnish though there are 3rd parties that have created plugins as mentioned by @nixuser
  • webstyler
    Why not use litespeed? It is supported by cPanel and as far as I understand it faster as well. There is no supported method of adding varnish though there are 3rd parties that have created plugins as mentioned by @nixuser

    Hi Lauren Yes, we are evaluating Litespeed and also cpngnix. Litespeed is the more expensive, but is only fully supported.

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