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WebRTC in cPanel



  • dalem
    cpanel wont support but Just looking at the install instructions looks like its stand alone and runs on its own server port So it should not interfere with Apache or cpanel Note: untested just an observation you should try on a non production server first
  • cPanelLauren
    @dalem is correct you can run software that is not necessarily supported by cPanel - anything that is able to be run on Linux but it isn't something we can provide assistance with. To find out details or for support you'd need to contact the developers of the software.
  • Tarak Nath
    Hello, Thank you for the response @dalem and @cPanelLauren We have downloaded it from Git page and uploaded in an cPanel account for the "". After that we have opened the port 8086 and 19302 from the firewall and edited the file cloudwebrtc/flutter-webrtc-server as per our server IP and domain. Then we executed the command: ./bin/server-linux-amd64
    from that cPanel terminal as mentioned in the Git page. Then we try to open the URL like Can anyone let me know please why its working globally instead of the particular domain

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