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Remove Sys Database after upgrade to from MySQL 5.7 to MariaDB 10.3?



  • cPanelLauren
    1. Does "must" mean that it is necessary for me to remove this database? (Or does it just mean that removal is optional, but if I want to remove it, I will have to do it manually)?

    This does indeed mean necessary.
    2. And if I do need to remove the database, how should I do it? Is that something that can be done via phpMyAdmin, or would I need to use a command-line operation? Or would it work to simply remove the "sys" file from the /var/lib/mysql/ directory?

    You should be able to manage it through PHPMyAdmin in WHM but it's pretty simple to drop the DB - DROP DATABASE
  • AM2015
    Thank you.
    You should be able to manage it through PHPMyAdmin in WHM

    As I noted in my original post, the select checkbox for the sys database was grayed out in phpMyAdmin -- so if there was a way to drop the database there, I wasn't able to figure it out. I was able to drop the database as a command line operation, however- so all is well -- though I did not find the link you provided helpful. (But I was able to find an appropriate tutorial page via Google).
  • andrew.n
    I just came across this recently and I had the same problem. From WHM using PHPMyadmin it was not allowing me to drop the DB but via CLI.
  • cPanelLauren
    As I noted in my original post, the select checkbox for the sys database was grayed out in phpMyAdmin -- so if there was a way to drop the database there, I wasn't able to figure it out.

    Yes I did see that but as *I* noted previously:
    You should be able to manage it through PHPMyAdmin in WHM but it's pretty simple to drop the DB -
  • AM2015
    That is probably true, but I don't have enough experience with working through the CLI to make sense of those instructions. I needed to Google to find simpler, step by step instructions. But no problem, I appreciate the help - the main concern I had was that I was hesitant to remove the table without being absolutely certain that I wasn't going to break anything on my server. It was easy enough to find instructions appropriate for my server OS, geared to my less sophisticated level of understanding.
  • cPanelLauren
    You know, I didn't even think about those being complicated. Can you show me what you used so I can help others better later on?
  • Spirogg
    @cPanelLauren This is all I did to Drop the Database sys that you all are referring too. you will see like below photo - after upgrading to Mariadb in phpMyAdmin > the DATABASE sys (it will be greyed out) goto phpMyAdmin and select SQL then type in DROP DATABASE sys;
    then at the bottom right as shown in the photo click on Go that's it.. now the database sys is removed (dropped) that is required this must be done after upgrading to Mariadb After you click Go it will remove the sys database like below. then go to Home "Restart Services "SQL Server (MySQL) and restart the mysql database Done.. Hope someone else finds this helpful.. "Because the database is greyed out so you have to do it via command in SQL" **also you might want to remove strict mode in Mariadb using terminal in WHM or another ssh tool login as root and type: nano /etc/my.cnf
    then scroll to the bottom and type in last line : sql_mode=
    then hold ctrl + x then press the enter button twice. this will save your changes and exit from the file my.cnf restart mysql server. to double check if your settings are complete you can do so by going to phpMyAdmin and clicking on Variables in the search field type : sql then you will see sql mode and nothing to the right. means you did it correctly see photo below all set.. you now have disabled strict mode in Mariadb @cPanelLauren sorry for the long writing with photos but someone will find this helpful I am sure of it :) Thanks Spiro
  • Nick57
    I did the upgrade from mysql5.7 to mariadb10.2 used the Unattended upgrade all is fine, I did not see anything bad in the log file.

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