WHM DNS-only with PowerDNS and MySQL 8
I want to replace our old DNS cluster, so I provisioned 2 DNS-only servers with PowerDNS and MySQL 8.
After I added them to our DNS cluster on 2 of our shared hosting servers, PowerDNS fails to start on both nodes.
It throws a number of errors regarding invalid zones, similar to: pdns_server: Trying to insert non-zone data
Then it fails with these errors:
Jun 19 13:36:47 powerdns2 pdns_server: Caught an exception instantiating a backend, cleaning up
Jun 19 13:36:47 powerdns2 pdns_server: Exiting because of STL error: empty dnsnames aren't part of anything
Jun 19 13:36:47 powerdns2 pdns_server: Exiting because of STL error: empty dnsnames aren't part of anything
What can be the cause? Is the "backend" in the logs the MySQL service, maybe the setup is not fully compatible with MySQL 8?
Thank you,
We have not switched to PDNS yet, but I did not think that cPanel's version used a MySQL back end. I though they just ready the bind zone files for non-DNSSEC stuff. 0 -
In this case, what's the backend in the error? 0 -
I'd suggest opening a cPanel ticket on this one and then let us know what the fix was. 0 -
Thank you, I opened a ticket. 0 -
@ffeingol is correct cPanel's pdns uses a bind-backend not MySQL though there are some files stored in MySQL when DNSSEC is present. Was your ticket addressed @dragos03 0 -
Hello Lauren, thank for the info. Yes, my ticket was addressed, the issue was related to some broken zone files, the log error was quite misleading. 0
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