backup to a partition
Hi, when setting up the server i created a 100gb partition called backup in the hope that i can have the backups saved there out of the way, in the backup configuration, i have ticked Mount Backup Drive as Needed but what would i put in the Default Backup Directory please? number 5 is the partition in question
Regards Martin
# Start End Size Type Name
1 40 2048 1004.5K BIOS boot bios_grub-sda
2 4096 2099199 1023M Linux filesyste primary
3 2099200 3700125695 1.7T Linux filesyste primary
4 3700125696 3702220799 1023M Linux swap primary
5 3702220800 3907018751 97.7G Linux filesyste primary
Regards Martin
Martin, it sounds like you mounted the 100GB partition to /backup folder and it is a local partition so you don't have to use "Mount Backup Drive as Needed" option. instead set "/backup" in "Default Backup Directory" then run the backups manually with /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup --debug to see if it completes fine. You can find more info about the configuration options at Backup Configuration | cPanel & WHM Documentation and at How to Run a Manual Backup - cPanel Knowledge Base - cPanel Documentation 0 -
Thanks @andrew.n for that answer - @Bashy let us know if you have any other questions about this :) 0
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