Hourly MySQL Incremental Backups?
Has anyone devised a good way to do hourly MySQL incremental backups? Currently we are just doing full hourly backups using Jetbackup (WHM built in backup function doesn't allow more frequent than daily.) We're doing realtime replication to a hot spare server but this doesn't protect against data corruption (system or accidental user). I ask in relation to WHM as we prefer to not add additional layers of server management complexity if possible (installing 3rd party backup solutions outside of WHM or other methods requiring multiple complex command line commands/scripts/etc.) Seems like the simple solution would be if Cpanel allowed hourly scheduling with the built-in backup function. But are the WHM builtin backups regarding MySQL truly incremental backups of MySQL?
We just want a quick and easy way to restore the database to where it was 1-24 hours ago. Jetbackup does its purpose and we don't have memory or CPU utilization issues on the server but it sure seems like a waste of CPU/Bandwidth/Disk IO to do full backups every hour instead of incrementals.
I do see there is an incremental command for the MySQL command ( MySQL :: MySQL Enterprise Backup 4.1 User's Guide :: 4.3.3 Making a Differential or Incremental Backup) I suppose it would be possible to script something where you always have a daily full backup with retention of 2 backups, and you retain the last 23 hourly backups. You need two full backup retention because on hour 1 after the next full backup, you wouldn't be able to rebuild the database back farther than two hours ago without the previous days' full backup and the hourly incrementals that were done off that. You don't want to be doing incrementals of a base full backup that is months old.
I'd consider a low-cost, 3rd party product that easily installs on Linux (Centos) outside of WHM presumably, but with a web interface.
There are a number of ways to perform this but this thread goes over some of them and this exact question How can i create in incremental backups of mysql databases but I don't know of any software specifically that just does incremental or differential backups for MySQL 0 -
I'm familiar with all those command line methods. I was mainly inquiring if there was a solution with a more full featured GUI (web) interface like Jetbackup for WHM allowing quick point and click configuration of backups and restores. If you're a Jetbackup user, you'll know what I'm talking about. Having a good GUI management interface for backup systems is highly valuable and beneficial from a SysAdmin standpoint in my many years of experience on various operating systems and backup systems. After searching for actually years now, I finally found something since starting this thread but unfortunately it isn't free. They don't even post the pricing (hate when companies do that) but a Google search turned up one page that said it cost $600. It's called Zmanda Recovery Manager for MySQL. There's a free community edition but it is command line only. You need to fork out for the Enterprise Edition to get the GUI Management Interface. I don't see much benefit to using the free community edition though as it's using Percona Xtrabackup, so why not just use Percona Xtrabackup (also free) to do incremental backups instead of wrapping another piece of software around it. 0
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