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Bug report: transfer tool re-enables Spam Box



  • cPanelLauren
    HI @Arvy I'm not sure I'd consider this a bug at this point. When you create a new cPanel server, the following is enabled by default in WHM>>Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings -> Enable Apache SpamAssassin" Spam Box delivery for messages marked as spam (user configurable) When the new account is moved over if this is enabled the setting would be automatically applied. If you disable this does the behavior persist?
  • Arvy
    Hello @cPanelLauren, I think this is a bug because it is, as mentioned, "user configurable", so, the flag is not related to the server configuration (globally), it's a user preference (the user wanted this, not the sysadmin). And the global config is more logic to be related to new accounts only. Other configs like Spam filter (pre-enabled or not) are not impacted. Arvy
  • cPanelLauren
    HI @Arvy I understand what you're saying, but this being a global default to ON enables it on account creation. The user-configurable implies that they can disable it. When you put an account on a new server the default behavior globally is going to be enabled with that setting. The presence of the touch file /home/$user/.spamassassinboxenable is what controls this.
  • Arvy
    Hello @cPanelLauren, ok, I understand your point of view, but this occurs only on "Spam Box". Other configs, outside the Spam-related area, are not affected and are configured per server too. Anyway, I suggest check if this is by design, since other per-server configs are not affected. Thanks Arvy
  • cPanelLauren
    I believe this one is specifically by-design as a result of CPANEL-33814 - Simplify Fetch of Remote Homedir where we changed the way this information is obtained to simplify moves to linked mail nodes (which use the transfer tool as well). The /home/$user/ directory is auto-populated based on server configuration and files which didn't exist (the user files) are then added with no overwriting performed.

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