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CPANEL-36082 - PHPMyadmin "Token Mismatch"



  • kodeslogic
    Are you facing the issue for all cPanel account or just one specific account? If this is for the one specific cPanel account then make sure the cPanel username contains alphabets or alphameric characters only no special characters or dot (.) in the cPanel username.
  • ElviCities
    Hi! Thank you for the reply. It is for all cPanel accounts on the server.
  • kodeslogic
    Does any of the cPanel username contain special characters or dot (.)?
  • ElviCities
    There are no special characters, periods/dots, etc in any of the usernames or DB names at all.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I haven't heard any other reports of this issue recently, although this has happened in the past. Are you running cPanel 92 or 94?
  • ElviCities
    Version 94. I've done a temporary workaround by modifying the code after I tried everything else I could think of. I recall reports in the past as well. Such as /tmp being full, or directory permissions/etc. None of that applied, unfortunately to this instance. Will hope this is just a minor issue that will get resolved in a future update.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    What code modification did you make to allow that to work? i did just check my personal 94 system and a test machine and those are both working how I would expect. Is there anything coming up in the /usr/local/cpanel/logsl/error_log file that might be related to this behavior?
  • ElviCities
    Oddly, no errors are being logged. The modification involved temporarily removing a bit of code that directly involves the "token error". However, I publicly don't want to disclose it as it may lead to other problems (if you know what I mean). It is definitely a case of "WTF". Have been hosting for over 20 years and never had an issue like this pop up.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    No, I get that for sure - we don't want to lead a non-experienced person down the wrong path accidentally. That does sound odd for sure, so if you wanted to submit a ticket to our team we'd be happy to check that.
  • Islandhosting
    We are seeing the exact same thing after upgrading from 92.x to 94.x (CloudLinux 7) for all users on multiple servers.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @Islandhosting - since this thread was originally opened we have discovered case CPANEL-36082, which causes the token issues when PHPMyAdmin and cpanel are configured to listen over IPv6 connections. You can find more details on this here:
  • Islandhosting
    Ah, thanks
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Sure thing!
  • Hedloff
    I didn't see a fix for this in version 94.0.4. When is it planned to be released?
  • vittle
    I didn't see a fix for this in version 94.0.4. When is it planned to be released?

    I'm also waiting for a fix for this
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    The developers are still working on this issue now, and while there has been some internal progress, it hasn't been assigned to a version of cPanel just yet. I'll be sure to post when that happens!
  • MHFraser
    it hasn't been assigned to a version of cPanel

    just got stung by this after an upgrade from 92 -> 94 suggestion: if the host is using ipv6 don't auto upgrade it to 94
  • PeteS
    This is holding me up as well. I just ran into it today. I hope it is resolved soon! From cPRex's support link above: " could use the server's IP address instead of a domain if you do not want to disable IPV6 support." This worked for me.
  • Adam Reece | WebBox
    All of our WHM servers using LTS have now updated to version 94 and have this issue. Why has this problem reached the LTS tier?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Currently the issue is fixed in version 96, but the developers are still discussing how to best backport the fix to version 94.
  • Adam Reece | WebBox
    How long can we expect to wait for such a solution? This is rather urgent what with all WHM servers on LTS no longer able to use phpMyAdmin at all for a whole year. (Just saying "switch off IPv6" is not an acceptable workaround.)
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I know it's being actively developed, but I don't have any timeframe at this point.
  • CodyG
    I'm having the same issue across all domains on my vps. One client, using ipv4 has no issues. Another client using ipv6, like me, does have the issue. However, when he goes to his cpanel using a different VPN, then he has no issues. I thought the IPs work on a different level of the protocol stack and shouldn't really be affecting the application. Waiting to hear more chatter and/or a fix. My specs...
    • CLOUDLINUX 7.9 kvm [vps]
    • v94.0.4
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    As of this morning, I know there is a potential fix in place for version 96 which is going through the final testing. I haven't seen an update about version 94 yet as they are still working on this.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    So as of right now the fix will be applied to the first release of 96, and they are still working on the 94 backport.
  • clickright
    FYI: If you are logged in to WHM as root and navigate to "List Accounts > cPanel (to access cPanel of the chosen account) > phpMyAdmin", no Token Mismatch error occurs, even in a IPv6 network. If you log in directly into the cPanel of that account using accounts username and password and navigate to phpMyAdmin, the error occurs. This does not seems to make sense, but I tried this and it's being my workaround in the past weeks. Maybe this can help someone while the update is not available, or maybe this can be a hint on the solution.
  • Adam Reece | WebBox
    If you are logged in to WHM as root and navigate to "List Accounts > cPanel (to access cPanel of the chosen account) > phpMyAdmin", no Token Mismatch error occurs, even in a IPv6 network. If you log in directly into the cPanel of that account using accounts username and password and navigate to phpMyAdmin, the error occurs.

    Nice suggestion, though unfortunately did not work when I just tried it. (May work for others.) The only difference is that the initial error when opening phpMyAdmin is "Bad type!" instead of "Token mismatch!", though subsequent AJAX actions and form submissions still bring the classic "Token mismatch!".
  • cPDavidL
    Nice suggestion, though unfortunately did not work when I just tried it. (May work for others.) The only difference is that the initial error when opening phpMyAdmin is "Bad type!" instead of "Token mismatch!", though subsequent AJAX actions and form submissions still bring the classic "Token mismatch!".

    Hello @adamreece.webbox, Can you confirm if the same behavior exists when accessing cPanel via URL with the domain and cPanel port?(i.e.
  • Adam Reece | WebBox
    Hello @adamreece.webbox , Can you confirm if the same behavior exists when accessing cPanel via URL with the domain and cPanel port?(i.e.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    UPDATE - while I don't have a specific version yet, I can confirm this will get backported to version 94.

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