WordPress toolkit generates huge load since the last update to 5.4.0-2385.x86_64 and later
I have been noticing a load increase of approximately 12 (8 core CPU) due to wp-toolkit since 4 days ago, after I received the wp-toolkit-cpanel-5.4.0 update. It seems to affect all Centos/CloudLinux 6 servers. I attached a load graph below. To put this into perspective, the previous peaks are the daily backups. Centos/CloudLinux 7 are on the same version of wp-toolkit, but are free of this problem.
Also, a lot of sw-engine scripts are running:
# ps -edaf | grep sw-engine | wc
32 331 5859
32 in total
while on centos 7
# ps -edaf | grep sw-engine | wc
4 41 489
4 in total
Does anyone else get these? Is there a known problem?
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